July 16, 1995

25 Years Ago

EDITORIAL – POLLUTION — A SERIOUS MENACE So many people are crying “wolf” these days, about so many varied and often times imaginary problems, that it is difficult to recognize the real hazards as they occur. But even the most phlegmatic individual must realize that there is indeed something to this growing concern regarding the pollution of our environment. The Secretary of the Interior is warning the governors of a number of States that mercury, discharged into waterways by certain manufacturers, is seriously polluting these streams. Pictures in newspapers, magazines and on television bear mute evidence of the accumulation of trash and filth which is piling up along our highways and the shores of our rivers and streams. Water for drinking purposes must now be subjected to careful scrutiny before being used in order to assure that it is not contaminated by deadly organisms deleterious to health and even life itself. Explorer Thor Heyerdahl and his crew recently returned from an Atlantic crossing to report that the waters were sometimes found to be so befouled by oil slicks that it was impossible to bathe in them. Objects from old floating car bodies down to gobs of toilet paper were collected by Heyerdahl’s Moroccan crew members and he brands the ocean waters as filthy. Oil may be from tankers flushing their tanks at sea, he suggested. Meanwhile a furor has been raised by certain coastal areas on account of the oil slicks along stretches of coastline from leaks at undersea oil wells. Community Reporter, July 17, 1970.

50 Years Ago

Cigarette Shortage? Yes, But Bond Buyers Get Smokes Free? – While a wartime shortage of cigarettes still plagues the rest of the nation, many smokers in Baltimore have discovered that cigarettes are not only plentiful . . . but that full cartons of standard brand cigarettes are available entirely free of cost. This modern miracle is but one of the by-product achievements of American War Bonds enroute to their major task of smashing the Japanese war machine. In an effort to step up the sale of War Bonds business houses have used many devices, ranging from prominent window displays to free awards of War Bond prizes to fortunate War Bond purchasers. Among smokers, perhaps the most appealing plan now in operation is that of a restaurant which is giving away two full cartons of standard brand cigarettes free of charge with each War bond of $500 or higher. One carton is given with a $250 War bond, two packs with each $50 bond . . . and one pack with each $25 bond. Through this plan the Mandell Restaurant in Baltimore has already sold over a hundred thousand dollars worth of War Bonds and the proprietor plans to continue giving away cigarettes until his supply, which he has been accumulating throughout the past weeks for this purpose is exhausted. Mr. Mandell estimates that the
cigarettes to be given away in this War Bond sales effort will represent a total value of $3500 to $4000. When questioned, Mr. Mandell stated: “My brother, the other member of our firm, is overseas in service, but as a civilian, I am trying in this way to help make my contribution to aid the war effort. Certainly the public needs no urging to buy War bonds in vast quantities . . but American business is cooperating in this Seventh War Loan Drive to the hilt . . and I am confident that through its united enterprise and energy, the total amount of War Bond sales to the public has been substantially increased.” Democratic Advocate, July 13, 1945.

75 Years Ago

Old-Time Superstitions – A reader furnishes us with a list of old superstitions which were part of our folklore in this part of the country before we had to have folklore societies to preserve this sort of thing. A rooster crowing at the front door meant visitor coming. A twig catching a young lady’sdress meant a beau. An itching ear meant that some one was talking about you. To turn back after starting meant bad luck. Opening an umbrella in the house meant bad luck to the house. A measuring worm on a woman’s frock meant a new dress. An itching left hand meant that you would marry soon. An itching right hand meant that you would shake hands with a stranger. Seeing the new moon over the left shoulder meant one would soon get money. – Probably most of us are superstitious about the number 13, just as people were a long time ago. Our own superstitions will amuse a subsequent generation, as those recalled by our reader amuse us. Only a subsequent generation can safely laugh at superstitions. Socrates was put to death for laughing at some of the superstitions of the Greeks. Union
Bridge Pilot, July 16, 1920.

100 Years Ago

Maurice Duttera, a young man about twenty years old, son of Mr. John T. Duttera, a wellknown farmer of Silver Run, met with a very sad and painful accident last Saturday. He had taken a load of oats to Littlestown, which was being unloaded at the warehouse by the usual method of hoisting to the upper story of the building with rope and pulley. Two sacks were taken up at a lift and on one occasion one of the sacks slipped from the loop and fell down, and outside of the wagon. Young Duttera reached over for it at an unfortunate moment, for just as he did so it was followed by the second bag which gave him a heavy blow on the head. His face was forced directly against the loosened stay chain of the wagon bed, the hook of which painfully lacerated his cheek and entirely destroyed his left eye. Dr. Foreman was immediately summoned and a fleet messenger dispatched to Silver Run, to break the distressing news to the young man’s family, no member of which was with him when the accident occurred. Mr. Duttera returned with the messenger and moved his wounded son to his home the same day. Dr. Foreman continues in charge of the case and under his care the patient is doing as well as can be expected. The entire family has the heartfelt sympathy of the community. American Sentinel, July 13,