June 28, 1998
25 Years Ago
County Mayors Protest Cut In Road Funds For Towns—Lloyd Jones, Financial director forthe county, tried to explain to eight protesting mayors last week why incorporated towns in the county won’t be getting roads funds for fiscal year 73-74. Next year’s road funds are largely being provided by state funds and the county’s revenue sharing check, Mr. Jones explained, none of the towns’ money is going into the fund, therefore the towns do not qualify for a refund. Richard Dixon, mayor of Mt. Airy felt differently, however, and complained that such talk made him feel like he wasn’t part of the county. “The towns’ assessment base provides 40 percent of the county’s taxable base,” Mayor Dixon said, “and moving money from one pot to another doesn’t mean that a share of it isn’t ours.” The Carroll Record, June 28, 1973.
50 Years Ago
Lions Club Host To Cliff Evans, Round-The-World Flyer—”Aviation Day in Westminster” was featured at the weekly dinner meeting of the Lions Club Thursday evening at the Charles Carroll Hotel. Through Past President Lloyd Elderdice, an excellent program was arranged following air maneuvers at the Westminster Airport during the afternoon. The club had a number of guests for this special event. Dr. Robert E. Lee welcomed the guest. The first guest presented was J. P. Guckert of the Civil Aeronautics Commission. He spoke of the memorial award and plague presentation at Baltimore to Cliff Evans and George Truman, round-the-world flyers in light aircraft, based on their outstanding contribution to flying. He then introduced the principal speaker, Cliff Evans. The one-engine plane, The City of Washington, with Evans as pilot, and The City of Angels, operated by Truman, have been on exhibit at the Westminster Airport. They have the same engines as the one used for the famous flight. Democratic Advocate, June 25, 1948.
75 Years Ago
Boys! Here Is Some Trip—Company H., First Inft. Md. N. G., will spend the week’s end on the Monocacy River from June 23 to 24. Transportation and eats free and some eats there will be. Ask Hennie, the mess sergeant and his force of cooks. This trip will be counted the same as two drills for which the men will get paid from $2 to $6.00. A nice little trip, a nice little pay and a whole lot of fun. We still have a little room on the back end of the truck for you. We leave at 5 p.m. Saturday, June 23, better go along on this trip and help get ready for the next one. Anyone with a good character, who wants to go along, will apply at the Armory for further information. We have sent word to the fish that we are coming. Oh boy, fish for breakfast. Democratic Advocate, June 22, 1923.
100 Years Ago
A Straw Ride—On Friday evening last, quite a merry party of twenty-two young ladies and gentlemen of Westminster enjoyed a strawride to the hospitable home of Mr. James S. Baer, at the
tannery. The four horses were gaily decorated with flags and bells, and as the evening was fine, and the team was in charge of one of Mr. Thompson’s most careful drivers, nothing occurred to mar the enjoyment of the occasion. A hearty welcome awaited the party, and the evening was spent pleasantly in games and music, concluding with a bountiful supply of refreshments, which were heartily enjoyed. The yard and porch were decorated with Chinese lanterns, and a large star formed of electric lights, the handiwork of Mr. Baer, illuminated the entire place, showing through the trees like silvery moonlight. The party returned to Westminster at midnight, after having spent a most delightful evening. Democratic Advocate, June 25, 1898