Baltimore Sun

October 6, 1996

2021-09-11T14:42:46-04:00October 6th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

October 6, 1996 25 Years Ago Fewer People Moving Here - People are still moving into Carroll county, but not as fast as they used to, according to figures released this week by the county health department. These statistics show that the rate of migration into the county dropped more than 30 per cent between 1960 [...]

September 29, 1996

2021-09-11T14:40:21-04:00September 29th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

September 29, 1996 25 Years Ago Planners Vote Against Shopping Mall Proposal - Rt. 140 Plan Now Up To Lawmakers - Citing potential traffic problems on Route 140 and the existence of other shopping centers near Westminster, the planning and zoning commission last week recommended against a proposed 32-acre shopping center on the Westminster by-pass. The [...]

September 22, 1996

2021-09-11T14:33:34-04:00September 22nd, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

September 22, 1996 25 Years Ago Riot Gear Urged For Policemen - Riot gear-including gas grenades and grenade launchers and another unmarked police car for the Westminster police force were discussed as possibilities by a committee of the City Council Monday night. The proposals were among suggestions to "update the police force to give it more [...]

September 15, 1996

2021-09-11T14:30:53-04:00September 15th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

September 15, 1996   25 Years Ago Heavy Rainstorm Damages Roads - Torrential rains heavily damaged roads in the South Patapsco drainage area over the weekend and a roads official estimated 2,000 man hours would be needed to repair them. County road director John Diven said Tuesday that he had his entire maintenance force of 70 [...]

September 8, 1996

2021-09-11T14:28:51-04:00September 8th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

September 8, 1996 25 Years Ago School Teachers Here Denied Salary Raises - County Classroom Teachers will not get their negotiated pay raises afterall because of a new interpretation of the President's wage freeze, the county's top school official announces last week. Approximately 700 ten-month teachers are expected to be affected by the ruling from the [...]

September 1, 1996

2021-09-11T14:24:09-04:00September 1st, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

September 1, 1996 25 Years Ago County's Median Pay Lower - The median income in Carroll county in 1969 was $1,000 below the median income for the entire state of Maryland, according to figures just released by the State comptroller. During that year, Marylanders in the middle income bracket earned between $7,000 and $7,999 while middle [...]

August 25, 1996

2021-09-11T14:19:35-04:00August 25th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

August 25, 1996 25 Years Ago 1-Room School To Be Renewed - A one-room brick school built in 1810 will be formally turned over to a non-profit foundation for restoration at ceremonies in Uniontown Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Maud Stremmel Haines owned the school house until donating it to Historic Uniontown, Inc., a non-profit, educational foundation set [...]

August 18, 1996

2021-09-11T14:16:51-04:00August 18th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

August 18, 1996 25 Years Ago Vo Tech School To Open - Despite past delays, the Carroll County Vocational Technical Center will open its doors on schedule September 7 for the first year operation of the new program, a school official said this week. Frank Mather, administrator of the center, said that all of the school's [...]

August 11, 1996

2021-09-11T14:11:23-04:00August 11th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

August 11, 1996 25 Years Ago Voters Defeat Annex Proposal - Voters of the county's 7th district, 3rd and 4th precinct, turned down the city's bid to annex the area in a referendum vote Monday night. With a light voter turnout of 146 total, 118 voted against the proposal and 28 voted for. County rolls showed [...]

August 4, 1996

2021-09-11T14:08:56-04:00August 4th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

August 4, 1996 25 Years Ago Strange Object Seen In Westminster Skies - An unidentified flying object may have visited Westminster during Sunday night's thunderstorm, and workers from the National Investigating Committee for Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) plan to come here Saturday to find out for sure. Charles Paul Kenyon, New Windsor, reported the sighting of an [...]


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