December 8, 1996
25 Years Ago
Commissioners Double Lot Requirements—The county commissioners voted unanimously last week to double the minimum residential lot size in areas of the county lying outside of the
comprehensive 30-year water and sewer plan. The zoning amendment, which affects about 2/3 of the county’s total land area, will change the minimum lot size from 20,000 to 40,000 square feet, or just less than an acre. Democratic Advocate , December 13, 1971.
50 Years Ago
PAYMENT OF $1.00 FOR MARYLAND QUAIL BANDS—In conformance with a recent ruling passed by the Game and Inland Fish Commission, this Department will institute immediately payment of $1.00 for each band returned to Salaried Deputy Game Wardens in the counties by hunters from quail shot in various counties of Maryland. The Commission is vitally interested in obtaining data as follows: Number of Quail killed; Location of Quail killed; date Quail were killed; Person making returns. The Regional and District Deputy Game Wardens in the counties will compensate all hunters reporting and turning in legbands on bobwhite quail killed in Maryland. Each applicant for the bonus of $1.00 will be required to submit to the Warden when claiming the bonus of $1.00 the following information: Hunter’s name and address; number of band; where killed; date; location and county; as well as number of hunting license.Democratic Advocate, December 8, 1946.
75 Years Ago
BEARD’S BOWLING ALLEY ROBBED—Beard’s Bowling Alley near the railroad, was entered Tuesday morning and goods and cash amounting to about $400 was taken. Mr. Beard left his bowling alleys Monday about midnight with everything in place, but when he opened Tuesday morning he found the door to his office broken open. On investigating he found that $47 in cash and a punch board containing $360 in jewelry was stolen. States’ Attorney Brown was notified and upon suspicion arrested a young man and questioned him of his whereabouts that night. On account of lack of evidence he was dismissed. Democratic Advocate, December 9, 1921.
100 Years Ago
Westminster—Messrs. N. I. Gorsuch & Son, of this city, have an order for 500 barrels of Passover Flour for a large Jewish baker of Baltimore. Several Rabbis of the city visited the mill on
Monday and purified it by their process, and the manufacture of the flour began. A representative of the Rabbis remained at the mill and branded each barrel of flour as it came from the packer. Democratic Advocate, December 12, 1896.