Carroll County Times 80th Anniversary

11 October 1991

Newspaper’s founders were civic leaders

by Joe Getty

When the Carroll County Times was established in 1911, its founders were prominent citizens of Carroll County. George K. Mather, owner of the Mather Printing Company, was the publisher and first editor. He launched this new venture with H. Peyton Gorsuch and veteran newspaper man John H. Mitten. After the initial success of the Times, this group formed the Times Printing Company, Inc., in August 1914 with Claude T. Kimmey as business manager.

At the time of its founding in 1911, Westminster was served by two other newspapers, the Democratic Advocate and the American Sentinel. This was an era when newspaers were primarily partisan vehicles for communication. Thus the Democratic Advocate promoted the Democratic party’s policies and politicians in the community while the American Sentinel represented the Republican party’s perspective. At this time, there were also numerous weekly newspapers in the small towns of Carroll County.

Thus the competition was stiff for the Times to enter the local market. A review of its “Forward” in the first issue provides a perspective on the role the Times expected to play in the community:

“It is the purpose of the publishers to put out a clean, newsy paper that will be a credit to the community and that will win and hold the support of our citizens strictly on its merits.

“In politics, the Times will be Republican, but it will adhere ridgidly to the policy of ‘malice toward none and charity for all.’

“Biting sarcasm, mud-slinging or fault-finding shall have no place on our page.

“We are firm in our beliefs, and hope to be true to our convictions, but we shall try to be kind and never intentionally give offense.

“First of all, we shall try to print the news, all the news of our city and county and in addition a summary of the most important happenings of the State and Nation.

“The Times will be a home paper. First, last and all the time, it will uphold Carroll County and its citizens. Its publishers believe that they are in the best business, in the best town, in the best county, in the best state, in the best country that the sun ever shone upon.

“We are ‘Boosters’ trying to improve our town. It is said ‘the Boosters sleep sounder, live longer and fight better than any other tribe on earth.’ We believe in our home county and our home town and our home people, and we are glad to invest our money here because we believe in them. We are proud of and very grateful for, the generous support that has been accorded us in the past. The remarkable growth of our business from a very small shop, occupying scarcely ten square feet of floor space, to our present splendid plant, in a little over four years proves to us that we are on the right track and that there is back of, and underneath our concern the true elements of success.

“In launching the Times, we are striving to meet what we believe to be a popular demand for a new republican paper in Carroll County. A paper that shall be strong, clean and clear cut. The Times will not allow itself to be allied with any clique, clan or faction.

“No effort will be spared to secure and maintain an able corps of contributors and correspondents who shall represent the best talent of our county and whose pride and pleasure it shall always be, if it is worth telling to ‘put it in the Times.’

“We have high ideals and implore the patience of our readers as we strive to attain them. A successful newspaper is not born in a day but is the result of patient, continued effort. In the meanwhile we will welcome our criticisms and suggestions. We invite a free and frank discussion in our columns of topics of timely interest. It is your paper, use it.

“We are conscious of many imperfections and short comings, but our intentions are good and we love hard work. The Times will be a paper for the people. It will be your paper, telling the doings of your town and county and your people, and we trust it will awaken in every loyal Carroll countian a sense of honest pride in a growing home enterprise. To even approach our ideal will take time, but with your kind forbearance we feel confident – we shall ‘arrive.’

“With this brief introductory work, the publishers leave the Times to the tender mercies of its readers with the hope that it may fill a real mission, and that the Loyalty and interest of its constituency may never lessen.”

The founder of the Times was George K. Mather who was born in Harford County on October 13, 1873. He was the son of the late Thomas William and Elizabeth Kenly Mather. He moved with his family to Westminster in 1890 when he became a member of the firm T.W. Mather and Sons.

When Mr. Mather was 37 years old, he established the Times as a subsidiary of his Mather Printing Company. George K. Mather was the first editor of the Times and served in that role until the formation of the Times Printing Company, successors to the Mather Printing Company, in August 1914.

Mather remained active with the Times throughout his life until his death at 92 on Nov. 15, 1965. He is also known for many community service activities in which he was involved over his long career.

In 1944 he received the Westminster Chamber of Commerce’s Outstanding Citizen Award for his many local contributions. He served as chairman of important committees during World War I, including the United World War Campaign, Community Sings, YMCA campaign, and Council of Defense Chairman for the Carroll County Red Cross chapter. He was active in promoting education in Carroll County and served as committee chairman for the bond issue of a new Westminster High School and president of the Westminster Chautauqua Association.

For thirty years he was a Methodist Sunday school superintendent and he was instrumental in the unification of the Methodist Protestant and Methodist Episcopal churches in 1939. He contributed his talents to the community by service on the Board of Governors of the Westminster Theological Seminary, president of the Board of Trustees of the Westminster Methodist Home, and president of the Westminster Library Association.

His later contributions to the Times included a series of travel articles based on his extensive visits to other countries. In 1930, he ran a series called “Seeing Europe.” In 1936, his six month journey around the world was also published serially in the Times.

Mather was well known in Carroll County for his gardening hobby. He built his home at 121 Willis Street in 1915 and began planting trees and shrubs at that time. In 1934, he began expanding the planting scheme for an extensive iris garden that was renown in this region. He opened the garden for tours and held frequent garden parties there.

When the City of Westminster bought the Longwell Mansion to use as a City Hall in 1942, George Mather proposed the creation of memorial gardens on the grounds. He designed and supervised the landscaping of the gardens which included flowering dogwoods, hydrangea, dutzia s well as a number of trees. In 1963 he was honored by the City of Westminster for his volunteer labor and donation of plant materials in creating the municipal gardens which were named “Mather Gardens” in his honor.

In his reminiscences about the history of the Times, Mr. Mather gave much of the credit for the early success to John H. Mitten, who would ride from farm to farm in his horse and buggy selling annual subscriptions at $1 per year. Mitten was also involved in all aspects of the newspapers’ production serving as compositor, pressman, editor and manager.

With the formation of the Times Printing Company in 1914, Mitten and H. Peyton Gorsuch were appointed co-editors of the Times. Mitten continued his role as editor until his death on Sept. 4, 1931, at age 86.

Mitten was well-known in Carroll County for his service in the Civil War and his work in the newspaper business. He was born Spt. 12, 1844, the son of Henry G. and Catherine Mitten.

In 1862 he enlisted as an 18-year-old in Company A, Sixth Maryland Regiment of the Union Army. Many soldiers from Carroll County served in this unit which was led by William A. McKellip, captain; Charles N. Kuhns, 1st lieutenant; and William H. Burns, 2nd lieutenant.

Mitten served at the battlefront in Virginia and was wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness on May 5, 1864. He was a charter member of the Burns Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and was the oldest local veteran at his death.

His newspaper career began in 1856 when he worked as a printer for the Westminster newspaper, the Carroll County Democrat. After the Civil War, he worked for another Westminster newspaper, the American Sentinel. In 1909, he began a printing business with C. Levine Price.

His obituary briefly describes his career at the Times, “In 1911, when George Mather began the publication of the Times, he accepted position with the Mather Printing Co., and his wide acquaintance throughout the county and knowledge of newspaper work aided largely in the immediate success of the Times. In 1914 when the present Times Printing Company was organized, Mr. Mitten became a stockholder and later a director of the company. He continued his duties as editor and until three weeks before his death, was rarely absent from the office, happy in his work and always busy, preparing copy, reading proof, assisting in mailing publications and other duties.”

Mitten was also greatly respected for his work with other organizations in the community, especially the Westminster Fire Company. He was claimed as the oldest active volunteer fireman in the state at his death. He served on the Westminster City Council. He also served in the leadership of St. Paul’s Reformed Church, Door to Virtue Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 46, Charity Lodge of Knights of Pythias and Independent Order of Mechanics.

Mitten’s co-editor, H. Peyton Gorsuch, was highly esteemed in Carroll County for his writings as well as his community service. Through much of his career, he wrote a “First Page Editorial” that provided a commentary on current events, politics, community activities, and local history. These editorials were a key feature of the Times during its early history.

His obituary states that he was “for many years widely known as a public speaker and the demand for his services in this capacity took him to many sections of the state. His wit and philosophy made him popular wherever he was heard. He was well known, too, for his activities in politics, having always been a staunch Republican, and was one of the recognized leaders of his party in the country over a long period of years…Mr. Gorsuch was interested in all municipal matters and always worked for the betterment of his city and county. He was liberal to all worthy causes, and was especially concerned in War Veterans affairs and their organizations.

“He had always felt deeply disappointed that the people of Carroll County had failed to provide a fitting memorial for the men and women of the county who had served in the First World War. In 1937, he personally paid for and had erected a beautiful memorial gateway at the Center street entrance of the municipal grounds.”

Gorsuch was born near Dennings on November 15, 1863, to Robert D. and Sarah Ann Gardner Gorsuch. He attended the Warfieldsburg school and New Windsor College. At the age of sixteen, he began a seven-year clerkship at the dry goods store of Orndorf and Sharrer in Westminster. He continued in sales for John T. Orndorf in Westminster and Moulton Brothers of Baltimore.

In 1888, he worked as secretary at the Catoctin Mountain Iron Company in Fredrick County, until the company dissolved in 1896. He also served a six-year term as postmaster of Catoctin.

He returned to Westminster in 1896 and formed Sharrer and Gorsuch, merchant tailors and retailers of men’s clothing and accessories, with Jesse C. Sharrer. He retained a financial interest in this business until 1936 when he sold his shares to Harry J. Starr and Edward G. Little. President Taft appointed Gorsuch as the Westminster postmaster where he served from 1910 to 1914. In the election of 1918, he was elected to a four-year in the Maryland House of Delegates.

Gorsuch was active in a wide number of community and fraternal organizations. In 1943, he received the first Outstanding Citizen Award from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce for his many contributions to Carroll County. He was active in all of the war campaigns of World War I and president of the Westminster Cemetery Company. In addition, he was a charter member and president of the Westminster Rotary Club, director of the First National Bank of Westminster, and served on the Board of Visitors of the Maryland School for the Deaf.

Gorsuch died on June 18, 1944, at his home at 131 East Main Street. His will provided funds for a number of benevolent causes including a trust fund of $20,000 to stimulate support for the creation of a hospital in Carroll County. He also contributed to the scholarship funds of Western Maryland College and the Carroll County Board of Education.

Another influential partner during the early history of the Times was Claude T. Kimmey. He was the first business manager of the Times Printing Company, and he worked in the printing business at the American Sentinel and the Mather Printing Company.

He was born February 17, 1889, the son of William T. and Rachel L. Kimmey. He was married to Anna Yingling and had three daughters. He was known throughout the Baltimore area printing business for his work with the Baltimore Typothetae and the Graphic Arts Association.

He was a leader in many civic and fraternal organizations including the Carroll County War Memorial Committee, Westminster Rotary Club, Charity Lodge Knight of Pythias, Westminster Forest and Stream Club, and Door to Virtue Lodge A.F. & A.M. He also served as chairman of Carroll County Draft Board No. 1 and was a life-long member of the Westminster Methodist Church.

Before his death, he was named Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Times Printing Company. He died at his home at 44 Longwell Avenue on February 13, 1947.

Photo credit: Courtesy of the Historical Society of Carroll County

Photo caption: George K. Mather founded the Times in 1911 at the age of 37. He became well-known in later life for his philanthropic contributions to the community, especially his work on the Mather Gardens at the Westminster City Hall.

Photo caption: Claude T. Kimmey worked for the Mather Printing Company when the Times was founded and became the business manager of the Times Printing Company in 1914.

Photo caption: John H. Mitten was a veteran newspaperman whose experience greatly contributed to the Times’ success in the early 20th century.

Photo caption: A popular feature of the early years was the “Front Page Editorial” written by co-editor H. Peyton Gorsuch, shown here in costume depicting Charles Carroll of Carrollton for the 1937 Carroll County Centennial celebration.

Carroll County Times 80th Anniversary

11 October 1991

Jordan’s ‘Time Flies’ tells of county’s past

by Jay A. Graybeal

Over the past year the staff of the Historical Society has written a weekly guest column on local history for the Carroll County Times. We have explored a wide range of topics including local social life, architecture, Pennsylvania Germans, archeology and historical photographs.

Nearly 50 years ago the Carroll County Times featured a column on history in the making and local happenings titled “Time Flies,” written by assistant editor J. Leland Jordan. Jordan’s column began on July 7, 1942 and ran almost weekly for a year.

  1. Leland Jordan was the adopted son of I. Scott and Henrietta Boring Jordan of Westminster. Mr. Jordan was a partner in the department sotre firm Nusbaum & Jordan located at 11 E. Main Street. A photograph taken by J. D. Mitchell of Westminster shows Jordan in about 1910.

Jordan’s later writing were shaped by his military experiences as a young man. In June 1916 he was among 106 local members of Co. H, and the Regimental Band, First Regiment of Infantry, Maryland National Guard ordered to the Mexican border by President Woodrow Wilson. The Marylanders spent nearly five months in the vicinity of Eagle Pass, Texas guarding the border against excursions by Pancho Villa. Jordan and his comrades in arms returned without loss to an enthusiastic welcome in Westminster.

The warm homecoming was short-lived. In April 1917 America entered World War One and Jordan once again answered the call to duty. His old Unit Co. H was mustered into Federal service as part of the 112 Machine Gun Battalion. Jordan was later transferred to the Army’s Ordnance Department and served overseas with the First, Second and Third American Armies. He participated in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Campaigns and returned home safely in October, 1919.

Jordan’s military experience may have influenced his interest in local history. He became an avid collector of Carroll County newspapers, Civil War manuscripts, historical photographs, booklets and broadsides. A number of items in his extensive collection particularly his copies of the Westminster American Sentinel newspapers, became the source or subject of his column “Time Flies” and other writings.

After Jordan’s death in 1955 the collection was purchased for the Historical Society by the Commissioners of Carroll County. Instrumental in arranging the gift were Dr. Theodore Whitefield of Western Maryland College and Dr. Arthur Tracey of Hampstead. The foresight of these men and the public spirited action of the commissioners kept the Jordan Collection intact for later generations of countians to use and enjoy.

Jordan inaugurated “Time Flies” on July 3, 1942 with a brief history of the Westminster Forest and Stream Club:

“With the annual camp of the Westminster Forest and Stream Club scheduled for July 10-19, it brings to mind a bit of the early history of the club. Early history of any organization reputed to be the oldest of its kind in the United States should be of slight interest. We touch upon it briefly.

“It was on Monday evening, May 11, 1874 that several men of the town met in the office of Dr. George Yingling in the building where the Westminster Savings and Bank now stands, for the purpose of organizing a club for the better protection of fish and game in Carroll County. George W. Matthews was named chairman and Drs. Yingling and William H. Rippard were named to purchase a tent which they did for $15.00.

“At a second meeting, on May 18, a subscription was taken to cover the cost of the tent. It was at this second meeting that the club was organized and given the name it carries today. Dr. Rippard was elected the first president, and Dr. Yingling, secretary and treasurer.

“The first camp was set to open July 8 on the farm of Jushua Dutterer along the Monocacy River near Detour. Camp opened with excellent attendance. The tent recently purchased had been dubbed the ‘Blue Mountain House’ and was the only sleeping and dining quarters this first year. “On an average of 20 men slept in the tent each night. For beds, straw was placed on the ground and blankets laid over the straw. They slept in a single row ‘like sardines in a can,’ and when one turned the others had to turn also.

“The dining table was a barn door; the cooking was done on a spider, they ate from tin plates and drank from tin cups, and they caught fish.”

Countians can look back with pride to another event which occurred in the same month, the great baseball game between Westminster and the Baltimore Orioles:

“Not being particularly interested in baseball, do not follow the daily scores of the major and minor leagues very closely, but do look occasionally at the standing of the Baltimore ‘Orioles.’ We note that in recent years they have kept themselves in the second-half of the league standing. Why all this chatter? Well, back in 1885, Westminster’s ‘famous’ baseball club defeated the Orioles, and to top off the season defeated the great Washington team of its day.

“Let’s examine the facts. In that year, the year previous and the year after, Westminster had a ball club that was known far and wide. It had most all the games in its win column, and with such a record, felt as though it could challenge the best. And they did! The Orioles were invited to spend the day in the country – and they accepted, expecting a frolic. They did not leave their best players at home, no indeed, they brought them right along to enjoy Westminster’s hospitality. This was on Monday, June 22.

“The umpire, B. Frank Crouse (and he was considered a good one, even by Baltimore) called the game. Westminster took the field with Zecker at shortstop; ‘Bob’ Miller, second base; ‘Eddie’ Greer in left field; Schweitzer, third base; Frank Nicholas behind the bat; John Driscoll, pitching; Erek, first base; Granville Bankard, right field and ‘Vallie’ Anders in center field. Foreman pitched for Baltimore, with Trott behind the plate.

“Baltimore failed to score in the opening inning, but Westminster rung up three runs. Neither scored in the second, but Baltimore scored one in the third, three in the fourth, one in the fifth and two in the sixth. Not to be outdone, Westminster scored one in the fifth and three in the sixth to tie the score seven all. Then came the hectic seventh. Baltimore failed to score, but Westminster put over two runs to lead 9 to 7. Neither team scored in the eighth and ninth inning.

“Westminster had 2 left on bases, Baltimore 11. According to a press account of the game, the local club played a brand of ball that at times bewildered the city team.

“Clabaugh and ‘Santa’ Gist were substitutes; ‘Jack’ Baumgartner was the team manager, and William Seabrook was substitute umpire.

“This game received considerable newspaper comment, especially in the Orioles home town, where it was suggested that the two cities might exchange teams to Baltimore’s advantage.

“The win over Baltimore did not end the season – Westminster was invited to Washington to meet the league club of that city – and they accepted.

“Washington’s great battery – Fulner and O’Day were at their best, and so was Driscoll and Nichols of Westminster. The game was a ‘rip-snorter’ right through the eleven innings Both teams were at their peak and took advantage of every break. The score was 2 to 2 going into the eleventh, Washington failed to score. Nicholas came to bat, let two go by for strikes. The third ball was wild, but Nicholas struck at it, causing the catcher to miss. Nicholas gained first base, the catcher throwing wild to first; Nicholas advanced to second and then to third. Then the climax – Harry Clabaugh struck a sharp liner to right field, scoring Nicholas.

“The local diamond was on Willis Street, where the Thomas, Kriel and Eckenrode properties are located. It is said that on game days boys in upper grades in school took their ‘liberty’ and formed part of the ‘rooting’ section; merchants close their stores, and on one occasion the court adjourned so that the officials and prisoners could see the game. Every available hitching space in the town was taken and the vacant acres near the ball park were crowded with buggies, surreys, wagons from nearby sections of the county.

“Many of our older folks will remember this great team, and some of later years. Well, do I remember Westminster’s ‘paid’ team of about thirty-five years ago, when they played on the John Street grounds.

“One writer of these events calls them ‘Westminster’s Red Letter Days.’ Now to get Westminster in the public press requires a triple murder – more red letter days.”

Jordan’s interest in local military history surfaced frequently. He devoted his first piece on this topic to the death of Sgt. Hampton Smith of Smallwood, the first American soldier to die on Cuban soil during the Spanish-American War:

“According to the inscription on the monument erected over the grave of Sergeant Hampton Smith in Deer Park Methodist Cemetery at Smallwood, and from existing accounts, he was the first American killed on Cuban soil in the Spanish American War.

“Smith enlisted in Company D, First Battalion, U.S. Marines at Washington in August 1893. He was killed in a skirmish near Guantanamo on June 11, 1898. His body was interred temporarily where he fell.

“In April 1899, Smith’s body along with 355 other soldiers, sailors and marines who had lost their lives on Cuban soil were shipped from Santiago to New York on the funeral transport Crook. Many of the bodies were taken to Arlington Cemetery at Washington, while the others were consigned to their respective families. The body of Smith arrived here on May 1, and was interred on May 7.

“Services were conducted in Deer Park Methodist Protestant Church, with the Rev. Dr. Walter R. Graham of the Westminster Methodist Protestant Church delivering the funeral discourse. According to newspaper accounts of the day, between 3000 and 4000 persons attended. It is to be understood that only a very small percentage of the crowd gained admittance to the small church.

“At the graveside, the deceased received full military honors from burns Post No. 13, G.A.R. of Westminster, which were in attendance. Several patriotic and fraternal organizations, from different section of the county, sent large delegations.

“Smith was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomas Smith of Smallwood. He was aged 31 years at the time of his death.

“Before enlisting in the Marines Smith had been employed with a large insurance firm in Baltimore and was assistant superintendent of the office at the time resigned.”

The last installment of “Time Flies” appeared on July 23, 1943. Jordan chose the topic of war memorials, a subject on which he had strong feelings.

“The recent meetings in the interest of a War Memorial for Carroll County, brings to mind two previous attempts to erect a memorial to the men from Carroll who served their country – after the Civil War and after World War I. The originators of the present ‘agitation’ have at least taken one step forward – to plan it before World War II is over.

“Going back to the period following the Civil War there was some talk of erecting a monument to the over 600 men from the county who had served the Union Cause. But discussions on the subject soon died down because the public was not interested and lacked the appreciation of the service rendered by these men.

“Then came the war with Spain, and with only between 40 and 50 men from the county in the several branches of the service, a memorial was not even suggested. We presume the public thought a memorial would not be required for so few.

“And then World War I. It ended with the Armistice on Nov. 11, 1918. Soon thereafter (Nov. 29) an article appeared in the local press with this very encouraging headline ‘When Our Boys Come Home – Big Welcome and Lasting Memorial In Their Honor Suggested.’

“At a meeting held three nights previous, certain action was taken which propted this head line. Recording from a statement of that date, it said ‘a lasting memorial should be erected in commemoration of the men from Carroll County who have died in their country’s service and as a tribute of appreciation for all our fighting men.’

“Certain resolutions were presented and adopted and the permanent committee to be known as ‘The Reception and Memorial Committee of Carroll County, Maryland’ was organized. Section (C) of this resolution read ‘To determine upon, and then procure, construct, or erect a memorial to all who served; and it will adopt such methods as will enable it (the committee) to obtain from the people of Carroll County, a full and free expression of all vies entertained, or suggestions made, as to the most appropriate way to commemorate and pay tribute to our sons who served in order that justice, liberty and humanity might be preserved to us and to posterity.’

“The County Commissioners had called this meeting of representatives from the several election districts, and they were all represented. A committee of fourteen was named, composed of the 14 chairmen selected from each of the 14 districts. These chairmen were then instructed to return to their respective districts and form a district committee. Wade H. D. Warfield was selected as general chairman, and Dr. Henry M. Fitzhugh, John H. Cunningham and Mrs. Robert Sargent Shriver were elected as additional members.

“At the meeting several suggestions as to the type of memorial was made: a hospital, library, an arch on Court street, a monument, a public square, bronze tablets to be placed in the State Armory, a public playground, and bronze plates showing the name of each of the 991 men and women who had served, to be placed in the main entrance hall of the Court House. The proposition of a hospital appealed to a few and they placed it before the public at every opportunity – but – they said it would cost between $50,000 and $100,000 – and then it must be maintained by public subscriptions on down the years.

“A few more meetings were held but interest was lacking, districts did not organize successfully, district chairmen showed no activity and the public in general felt as though the war was over and the boys were home, why bother with a memorial.

“The boys were home – and a great celebration and parade was held on July 4. Important among the events of the day was the planting and dedication of the memorial oaks along the Baltimore pike, at the entrance to Westminster. A fine gesture on the part of the Woman’s Civic League. It received favorable comment throughout the country as being the ‘first mile of memorial trees in America’ to the dead of the War. But this project had short life – for within a few years the public had forgotten they were there. Without some care and attention, even trees will die. Someone had the presence of mind to salvage the metal plates (I do not recall who did this) and place them on a cross in the lobby of the State Armory.

“It was not long before the memorial was forgotten and the local press took on such headlines as ‘More Fish Put in Carroll County Streams.’ Those fish were actually put in the streams, because county fishermen wanted them put in.

“Then came the Carroll County Centennial of 1937, and there was erected at the Center Street entrance of the Municipal Playground, a stately and impressive memorial gateway, the gift of H. Peyton Gorsuch, Westminster. On one of the columns is found a bronze plaque with this inscription:


Until This or Future

Generations Shall Provide

A More Fitting Tribute

This Simple Gateway

Is Erected As A Memorial

For The Dead

And Testimonial To The

Living Soldiers And Others

From Carroll County

Who Served In The

World War

And Other Wars

Since The County Was Founded



“The writer knew Mr. Gorsuch to be unusually patriotic, public spirited, and especially interested in the service man, and his welfare, but asked him just why he should take it upon himself to erect such a monument. His reply was ‘I could not let an event like the Carroll County Centennial pass without some tribute to the men and women who have served so bravely in our wars these past 100 years. I felt the shame for all those folks of the county who overlooked paying a lasting tribute to our sons after the last war.’

“And now another committee will begin to function for a similar purpose. A coincidence, no doubt, but the set-up is quite general to that of 1918. Already numerous suggestions as to the type of memorial to be erected, have been made. It is hoped that among them will be one that can be adopted and seen through to completion, not wait until Carroll County celebrates its 200th anniversary and then permit some public spirited citizen to erect one out of shame for the folks of the county who forgot.”

  1. Leland Jordan’s writings offer an important perspective on local history. His column title reminded his readers “As the clock strikes the hour, how often we say ‘Time Flies!’ when it is we that are passing away”’ His occasionally caustic remarks remind us of the consequences of forgetting our recent past.

Photo credit: Courtesy of the Historical Society of Carroll County

Photo caption: ‘Office Force, The Times Printing Co.,’ left to right, John Mitten, Marie Kimmey, Claude Kimmey, J. Leland Jordan, c. 1930

Photo caption: J. Leland Jordan, c. 1910

Photo caption: Hampton Smith, a subject of ‘Time Flies.’