Carroll’s Yesteryears
30 August 1992
Helpful tips add to Civil War project
By Jay Graybeal
Several weeks ago this column discussed a research project to compile information about Carroll County Civil War soldiers. We received a number of interesting responses to our request for information about local soldiers. Intern Greg Goodell has been able to add Greg Goodell has been able to add some biographical information and some new names to his computer data base from these responses.
Long-time historical society member Helen Six sent information about brothers Pvt. Joseph E. Six, Co. I, 1st Regiment, Maryland Volunteer Infantry and David S. Six, Co. E, 1st Regiment, Potomac Home Brigade Infantry. Joseph E. Six was severely wounded in front of Petersburg, Va. on May 25, 1864. He lost an arm and was discharged for disability. Six also sent information that Willford Six who served in Battery E, 2nd Pennsylvania heavy Artillery, was a Carroll countian.
Other historical society members also contributed information. Irene Dell shared copies of compiled service records from the National Archives for her great-grandfather Pvt. States Napoleon Dell and his brother Rufus M. Dell, both of Co. E, 1st Regiment, Potomac Home Brigade Infantry. A document in Pvt. States N. Dell’s file shows that he was permanently disabled from a severe case of dysentery contracted at Sandy Hook, Md. in late 1862.
Joyce Dell brought in compiled service records of Pvt. Jacob Hygiller, Co. F, 7th Regiment Maryland Volunteer Infantry. Included in his papers was a Certificate of Death. Pvt. Hygiller died of “typhoid pneuminia” at the regimental hospital on 30 January 1863. Dell also contributed records for Pvt. Thomas Dell, Co. F, 7th Regiment, Maryland Volunteer Infantry and Pvt. Elias J. Dell, Co. B, 3rd Regiment, Potomac Home Brigade Infantry. Thomas Dell was wounded at Weldon Railroad, Va., on August 19, 1864 and discharged for disability. Elias Dell applied for an invalid pension in 1901. He stated that he contracted dyspepsia at Buckingham, W. Va., in 1865.
Ron Hoff brought in an intriguing story about Charles J. Hoff, another Carroll countian who left the area. After service in the Civil War, Hoff enlisted in Co. E, 17th Regiment, U.S. Infantry. He later settled in Harrison County, Ohio where he married and raised a family.
Eva Owings brought in a copy photograph of her ancestor 2nd Lt. Alexander F. Myers, Co. C, 6th Regiment, Maryland Volunteer Infantry. Myers was killed in action at the Wilderness on May 5, 1864.
The society also received a letter from retired Lt. Col. Robert Driver Jr. USMC regarding his upcoming book on the 1st Maryland Cavalry. Col. Driver supplied some additional names of Carroll countians who served in this Confederate unit.
These contributions to the project were greatly appreciated. The historical society would welcome any additional information about the service of Carroll countians in the Civil War.
Photo credit: Courtesy of the Historical Society of Carroll County
Photo caption: 2nd Lt. Alexander F. Myers. The artist who executed the watercolor tinting to the photograph erroneously made Lt. Myers a captain.