“Easter Cards”
Carroll County Times Article for 4 April 1999
By Jay A. Graybeal
This Historical Society’s collection contains numerous examples of Easter cards received by local residents from the 1880s to the 1920s. The earliest examples were printed on heavy stock and were designed to be kept in the recipient’s scrapbook. By the turn of the century, post card makers sold a variety of cards with Easter motifs. These cards featured traditional Easter motifs including eggs, bunnies, crosses, lilies and chicks. Easter cards, especially post card examples, were frequently saved and stored in special albums with similar cards from other holidays. For this reason early Easter cards survive in large quantities and provide a visual reminder of how the holiday was observed.
Photo caption 1: This card is an early example of a stock type that did not feature any traditional Easter motifs. The local woman who received it for Easter 1882 noted the sender’s name on the reverse. A printed verse appeared at the bottom of the card: “That which thou sowest is not quickened except it die”.
Photo caption 2: This large card dates from c. 1880 and features traditional Easter motifs and a verse:
“Hallowed thoughts of ancient days
turn our hearts to prayer and praise
as our Easter Hymn we raise.
Photo caption 3: This card was mailed in 1908 and featured a common motif, two chicks with an egg.
Photo caption 4: Dr. L. E. Shipley received this post card from a frugal sender in October 1907. The card featured common Easter motifs, two bunnies carrying an egg.
Photo caption 5: Miss Minta Shipley received this card from her friend “Hilda” in 1910. The card featured traditional Easter Motifs of a cross and lilies.
Photo caption 6: Louise Farver sent this card to Miss Mollie Shipley in 1916. The card shows two young girls with a bunny in a cart.