Baltimore Sun

July 28, 1996

2021-09-11T14:06:44-04:00July 28th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

July 28, 1996 25 Years Ago Westminster May Lose Bus Service - Clyde's Bus Service, Westminster's only bus line, may soon discontinue service to the city, according to the line's owner Clyde Didlake. Didlake said he met Wednesday with Western Maryland College president Lowell Ensor to discuss the possibility of using the college's golf club house [...]

July 21, 1996

2021-09-11T14:04:15-04:00July 21st, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

July 21, 1996 25 Years Ago Inmates Steal From Vendor - Unknown inmates at the Sykesville Correctional Laundry Camp Thursday stole an estimated $200 in coins and an undetermined amount of cigarettes and candy from a truck that was parked in the prison compound to fill the prison's vending machines. A public information officer with the [...]

July 14, 1996

2021-09-11T13:55:20-04:00July 14th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

July 14, 1996 25 Years Ago Blount Denied County Backing - Gordon Blount, president of B.J.N. Enterprises, would-be developers of an airport-industrial park complex in Carroll county, failed in a bid Thursday to get a firm commitment of county backing despite what he thought was an earlier endorsement. The county commissioners told Blount Thursday that they [...]

July 7, 1996

2021-09-11T13:52:54-04:00July 7th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

July 7, 1996 25 Years Ago Sunshine Pills May Be Here - Area youths may be in for a "bad, bad trip" if they take certain drugs that may be circulating in the county disguised as LSD, a spokesman for the State Drug Abuse Administration said late Friday afternoon. Similar to the "sunshine pills" that put [...]

June 30, 1996

2021-09-11T13:50:30-04:00June 30th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

June 30, 1996 25 Years Ago School Smoking Ban Illegal, Arbiter Rules - A professional arbiter has ruled that the Board of Education's ban on smoking by teachers in schools is illegal in that it prohibits teachers from smoking in the teachers' lounges. Jacob Blum, attorney for the Carroll County School Board, said Tuesday that Samuel [...]

June 23, 1996

2021-09-11T13:48:06-04:00June 23rd, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

June 23, 1996 25 Years Ago Library Board To Investigate Church Land — The county commissioners have authorized the Carroll county Library Board to begin "non-obligatory" negotiations with St. John's Catholic Church for part of the old church property on Main street. The library board would like to acquire the land for a new Westminster library [...]

June 9, 1996

2021-09-11T13:45:06-04:00June 9th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

June 9, 1996 25 Years Ago Pipe Bomb Blasts State Cop's Yard - A pipe bomb thrown from a passing car blew a 3-foot hole in a Snydersburg State Trooper's back yard on May 26, State Police confirmed late last week. According to a spokesman for the Westminster barrack, the bomb exploded harmlessly 50 feet from [...]

June 2, 1996

2021-09-11T13:42:08-04:00June 2nd, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

June 2, 1996 25 Years Ago Legion Holds Memorial And Dedication Services - Lt. Col. Alfred Clark, RET., gave the main address at the Memorial Day service of Hampstead American Legion Post 200 Saturday afternoon. The dedication of the new post was also held. The ceremonies were started with a concert by the North Carroll High [...]

May 26, 1996

2021-09-11T13:39:27-04:00May 26th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

May 26, 1996 25 Years Ago Carroll County Commissioners Approve Tentative Budget - Westminster - the County Commissioners of Carroll County approved a tentative general fund budget for county operating expenses of $12,176,446 for the fiscal year 1971-72. In addition, the County commissioners also adopted a roads department budget of $2, 129,000 and a capital budget [...]

May 19, 1996

2021-09-11T13:37:01-04:00May 19th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

May 19, 1996 25 Years Ago Byron Announces EPA Grant For Hampstead - Goodloe Byron announced award of a $72,150 grant to the Carroll County Sanitary Commission of Westminster. The money, which comes from the Environmental Protection Agency, represents an increase of 10% over two previously awarded grants for this project. The project is for construction [...]


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