Baltimore Sun

September 10, 2000

2021-09-10T12:57:48-04:00September 10th, 2000|2000, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

Historical Society of Carroll County Baltimore Sun article for September 10, 2000 25 Years Ago Town Board Sets Hundred Dollar Fee for Water Hook-up -- Revenues to be used for Development and Expansion of System -- in Addition to Present $350 Fee – A $100 “Water Benefit Charge” will now be required of Mt. Airy residents [...]

September 3, 2000

2021-09-10T12:50:08-04:00September 3rd, 2000|2000, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

Historical Society of Carroll County Baltimore Sun article for September 3, 2000 25 Years Ago            South Carroll To Meet Crowded Conditions There -- Rooms not Designed for Classroom use put into Service – Principal Elders Requests Portable Buildings – South Carroll opened Tuesday with about a hundred more students than last year’s 1660; To relieve crowding, [...]

August 27, 2000

2021-09-10T12:42:02-04:00August 27th, 2000|2000, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

Historical Society of Carroll County Baltimore Sun article for August 27, 2000 25 Years Ago            Local School’s Attendance is Now Increasing -- Elementary Classroom Enrollment Given -- List of New Teachers in Area Schools – With 595 students now enrolled, Mt. Airy Elementary School expects about 50 more students this year than the 557 which were [...]

August 20, 2000

2021-09-10T10:20:39-04:00August 20th, 2000|2000, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

Historical Society of Carroll County Baltimore Sun article for August 20, 2000 25 Years Ago Over 17,000 Pupils Will Ride Carroll Busses During 1975-76 School Year Which Begins Tuesday, September 2 – Carroll County Public Schools are scheduled to open on Tuesday, September 2, and according to Leo F. Kuhn, Director of Pupil Transportation, approximately 17,300 [...]

August 13, 2000

2021-09-10T10:03:21-04:00August 13th, 2000|2000, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

Historical Society of Carroll County Baltimore Sun article for August 13, 2000 25 Years Ago            Town Officials Discuss Park --  At the meeting of the Town Council held Monday night at the Town Hall, the main subject for discussion was the proposed park for Mt. Airy.  As proposed, the 4.6 acre park to be located on [...]

August 6, 2000

2021-09-10T09:57:18-04:00August 6th, 2000|2000, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

Historical Society of Carroll County Baltimore Sun article for August 6, 2000 25 Years Ago Improvements are Under Way at the Library – Roof Has Been Replaced and Painting is Being Done -- More Renovation Planned.  The “Mt. Airy Friends of the Library” group met this week at the home of Mrs. Normandy, with representatives of [...]

February 7, 1999

2021-07-18T15:01:51-04:00February 7th, 1999|1999, Baltimore Sun|

25 Years Ago o Energy Official Tells Optimists What Matters Is Adjusting—The present fuel crunch is a real one and not likely to go away for quite a while according to Mike Smith of the State of Maryland Energy Policy Office. Mr. Smith addressed the Freedom Optimists at the Community Center on Tuesday evening, February 5. [...]

January 24, 1999

2021-07-18T15:02:03-04:00January 24th, 1999|1999, Baltimore Sun|

25 Years Ago Editorial - Is There A Gasoline Shortage?— With Congress getting its "back up" at last over the energy crisis, oil companies are being forced to reveal that their storage tanks are overflowing and that they actually have more gasoline on hand than at this time last year. Yet, through a foolish and totally [...]

January 17, 1999

2021-07-18T15:02:33-04:00January 17th, 1999|1999, Baltimore Sun|

25 Years Ago Edward Leister To Head 'Dimes' Fund Campaign - Mothers March Set For January 22 - District Solicitation Chairman Announced—Edward Leister, branch manager of the Union National Bank at 140 Village Shopping Center, is the 1974 chairman of the March of Dimes Financial campaign. Leister has announced that the Mothers March will be held [...]

January 10, 1999

2021-07-18T15:02:47-04:00January 10th, 1999|1999, Baltimore Sun|

25 Years Ago Adult Education Course Offered On Alcohol Problem—Possibly the first course like it in the State of Maryland will be offered in the Carroll County School system through the Adult Education Division. The title of this course will be "Alcohol and Adolescents." Its subject is a comprehensive look at the drug alcohol, its effects [...]


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