“1994 Calendar Photos”

Carroll County Times for 26 December 1993

By Joe Getty


Military Heritage of Carroll County

1994 Calendar

Published by the Historical Society of Carroll County

The 1994 Carroll County Heritage Calendar features photographs depicting Carroll County’s participation in American military history. Our citizens’ involvement with the military has played a prominent role in the history of central Maryland. Prior to the formation of Carroll County in 1837, residents of then Frederick and Baltimore counties served in state militia units and participated in the French and Indian War, the Revolution and the War of 1812.

Local militia companies recruited and trained residents of the towns and villages of Carroll County. These units, such as the Taneytown Guards, Manchester Blues, Washington Blues, Manchester Greys, New Windsor Guards, Carroll Infantry and the Carroll Artillerists, were popular in the second quarter of the nineteenth century. On the eve of the Civil War, political unrest and concerns about security led to the formation of new militia companies such as the Smallwood Infantry and Carroll Guards.

The Civil War was a divisive event in Carroll County’s history, as families and communities split over the issues of slavery and states rights. When the war began, Carroll men joined the ranks of both Union and Confederate forces. Throughout the conflict both armies criss-crossed the county bringing the harsh realities of military encounters to the doorsteps of many residents.

The Civil War was the first major American conflict to be photographed. The images reprinted in the “Military Heritage of Carroll County” calendar are drawn primarily from local history since the mid-19th century. Most of the images are from the Historical Society collection.

While the collection is particularly diverse in some areas, it is not as representative in others such as recent military conflicts including World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm. As always, it is hoped that this project will provide an incentive for donors to contribute additional military items to the collection.

Carroll countians served our country with distinction throughout American history. The Military Heritage of Carroll County calendar is dedicated to those who served and to those at the homefront who supported our country’s military forces.

Photographs from the cover of the

1994 Military Heritage of Carroll County calendar.

Photo Caption1: The front cover of the 1994 Military Heritage of Carroll County calendar features a tinted ambrotype that is a rare example of an outdoor image of a Civil War headquarters. Standing in front of the center doorway is Taneytown resident Lt. Col. William A. McKellip, Co. A, 6th Regiment, Maryland Volunteer Infantry. The structure is presumably the headquarters of the regiment during its service in Virginia during the spring and early summer of 1863. Gift of Miss Clara Brining, 1961.
Photo Caption 2: A tinted carte-de-visite of Lt. Col. William A. McKellip, Co. A, 6th Regiment, Maryland Volunteer Infantry. McKellip was from Taneytown and served in the headquarters of the 6th regiment from August 1862 to November 1863.
Photo Caption 3: A tinted carte-de-visite of Pvt. Mark Owings Shriver, Co. K, 1st Virginia Calvary, C.S.A.
Photo Caption 4: Col. Joshua Gist, Soldier’s Delight Battalion, Baltimore County Militia, American Revolution. Gift of Betty Smith Yingling, 1992.
Photo Caption 5: Sgt. Laban Oscar Baker, Co. H, 1st Maryland Infantry; Co. C, 112th Machine Gun Battalion, World War I. Baker received a 29th Division Citation for Gallantry in Action. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hiatt, 1993.
Photo Caption 6: Staff Sgt. R. Weldon Rhoten, U.S. Marine Corps, World War II, with his mother, Nola Marie Heagy Rhoten. Courtesy of George and Gwen Welty.