March 17, 1996

2021-09-11T13:13:23-04:00March 17th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

March 17, 1996 25 Years Ago County Officials Have Busy Week - The County Commissioners met in session five days during the week of March 1, in the Board's continuing effort to make certain changes in the administration and its procedures of County government. These sessions included several sessions with John Donaho, Consultant to the County, [...]

March 10, 1996

2021-09-11T13:00:25-04:00March 10th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

March 10, 1996 25 Years Ago Carroll Population Listed As 69,006 By Census Bureau - Official 1970 Figure Shows 30.7% Gain Over 52,785 Counted In 1960 — State's Residents Nearly Four Million - Carroll County's population in the 1970 Census was 69,006 up 30.7 percent from the 1960 figure of 52,785, the Bureau of Census U. [...]

March 3, 1996

2021-09-11T12:54:39-04:00March 3rd, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

March 3, 1996 25 Years Ago Morgan Chapel Prepares to Mark Centennial Year - Congregation Celebrating Its 100th"Birthday" During 1971 — Various Commemorative observances Planned - the congregation of Morgan Chapel, Woodbine, proudly announces the celebration of its centennial year in 1971. One hundred years ago, in May of 1871, a group of laymen under the [...]

February 25, 1996

2021-09-11T11:34:53-04:00February 25th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

February 25, 1996 25 Years Ago Editorial - GET READY FOR EIGHT-CENT POSTAGE - Postage Rate increases now planned for May 13, will bring into use a number of special, new postage stamps of various denominations, but the one which will first proclaim to the public that letters are going to cost more will be the [...]

February 18, 1996

2021-09-11T09:13:26-04:00February 18th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

February 18, 1996 25 Years Ago YMCA FORMULATING PLANS TO CONDUCT SUMMER DAY CAMP - The Carroll County YMCA Program Committee, under the direction of W. Norris Weis, has begun to formulate plans for its summer day camp. The 1971 season has been extended to four two-week sessions covering an eight week period. The sessions are [...]

February 11, 1996

2021-09-11T09:11:04-04:00February 11th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

February 11, 1996 25 Years Ago Humane Society Is 'Good Neighbor' To Dogs And Cats' Group Took in 7,237 Stray And Unwanted Animals During 1970 — Fund Drive Is Launched - The year 1970 has been an active one for your Humane Society. The work of taking in dogs and cats has increased from 3,146 dogs [...]

February 4, 1996

2021-09-11T09:08:48-04:00February 4th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

February 4, 1996 25 Years Ago COMMISSIONERS MEET WITH TOWN OFFICIALS - The County Commissioners of Carroll County during the week of January 18th scheduled a meeting with the Mayors and Representatives of the incorporated towns of Carroll County to discuss several matters pertaining to the two general governmental units within the county. Included in the [...]

January 28, 1996

2021-09-11T09:05:02-04:00January 28th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

January 28, 1996 25 Years Ago Burglars Strike Business Places In Mount Airy - Grimes Brothers Garage, Mt. Airy Milling Co., And Myers Drug Store Victimized By Thieves - When one travels through the town of Mt. Airy late at night or early in the morning, one definitely gets the feeling that all is well with [...]

January 21, 1996

2021-09-11T09:01:10-04:00January 21st, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

January 21, 1996 25 Years Ago County Officials Discuss Large Bond Issue-Commissioners And Carroll Delegation Consider "Potential" Legislative Proposals Including Issuance Of $8,000,000 In Bonds - During the week of January 4th to January 8th, the County Commissioners met during the two regular sessions and also in three special sessions. During this period of time aside [...]

January 14, 1996

2021-09-11T08:57:13-04:00January 14th, 1996|1996, Baltimore Sun, Resources|

January 14, 1996 25 Years Ago Carroll County Was Pioneer In R.F.D. Service - Most residents of Carroll County have heard or read that "the first complete county Rural Free Delivery Service in the United States was inaugurated by the Post office Department on December 20, 1899, covering the whole of Carroll County and small parts [...]

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