
13 May 2019 – Woman Escaped Potato Famine, Sued B&O Railroad and Bought Eldersburg Farm

2021-07-29T11:10:13-04:00May 13th, 2019|2018, Yesteryears|

Carroll Yesteryears 13 May 2018 Woman Escaped Potato Famine, Sued B&O Railroad and Bought Eldersburg Farm By Mary Ann Ashcraft We are a nation of immigrants, survivors of myriad hardships. Today’s column features the story of a courageous Irishwoman named Hannah Dougherty who came to Baltimore to escape the Potato Famine of the 1840s and 1850s [...]

10 March 2019 – Many Books Can Help in Quest for Carroll County History

2021-07-29T11:11:35-04:00March 10th, 2019|2019, Yesteryears|

Carroll Yesteryears 10 March 2019 Many Books Can Help in Quest for Carroll County History By Mary Ann Ashcraft For many years, the Carroll County Times has supported local history by carrying this column— “Carroll’s Yesteryears.” Since 1990, Joe Getty, Jay Graybeal, and I have written articles covering everything from cigars to the Civil War except [...]

24 February 2019 – Historical Society of Carroll County Celebrating 80th Anniversary

2021-07-29T11:11:51-04:00February 24th, 2019|2019, Yesteryears|

Carroll Yesteryears 24 February 2019 Historical Society of Carroll County Celebrating 80th Anniversary By Mary Ann Ashcraft Please save this date–Sunday, March 10th from 2 until 5 p.m.–for the Historical Society of Carroll County’s Open House. All three historic buildings at 206, 210, and 216 East Main Street in Westminster will be open to visitors of [...]

10 February 2019 – Church and Education Were Important to Those Who Built Western Chapel Community

2021-07-29T11:12:19-04:00February 10th, 2019|2019, Yesteryears|

Carroll Yesteryears 10 February 2019 Church and Education Were Important to Those Who Built Western Chapel Community By Mary Ann Ashcraft Time has not been very kind to most of Carroll’s small African American communities that sprang up after the Civil War. Who knows the whereabouts of Priestland, White Rock, Newport, Dorseytown, Muttontown, Johnsville, and Western [...]

27 January 2019 – Jacob Good’s Contribution to the Revolution

2021-07-29T11:12:32-04:00January 27th, 2019|2019, Yesteryears|

Carroll Yesteryears 27 January 2019 Jacob Good’s Contribution to the Revolution, Taneytown are Deserving of Recognition By David Buie The “Carroll’s Yesteryears” column of January 13 introduced Taneytown resident Jacob Good, a young man who gained financial success as a land broker and owner of a tavern in the town’s early years. In January 1775 he [...]

13 January 2019 – Lesser-known Good brother, Jacob, key early figure in Taneytown

2021-07-29T11:12:46-04:00January 13th, 2019|2019, Yesteryears|

Carroll Yesteryears 13 January 2019 Lesser-known Good brother, Jacob, key early figure in Taneytown By David Buie Adam Good is the most famous member of the Taneytown Good clan for his "George Washington slept here” story, but it is his brother, Jacob, who deserves better name recognition. It is not clear where Jacob lived in Taneytown, [...]

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